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Inspired by the work of Peter Lindberg

I have long been inspired by the work of the acclaimed fashion photographer Peter Lindberg.
particular his observational style and honesty especially when shooting the worlds most beautiful supermodels in a natural and unprocessed way that captured their natural beauty without make up or retouching to remove every imperfection. For this shoot I simply sat and observed my sister Emily getting ready to go out in the evening and sat quietly in her bedroom after she came out of the shower and got ready to go out. My aim in this shoot was to only use natural light, shoot in black and white and present the images as as series of moments in the process. My choice of grading for these images was designed to replicate the effect of traditional black and white prints of the 1960/70s when Lindberg was at his best.

Section 1: Introduction 

While looking at the work of a number of photographers I was interested in the natural observed style of Peter Lindberg. In particular I really liked the work he did for both Vogue adn Vanity fair and decided it would be interesting Gand useful to see if I could replicate the relaxed unobtrusive style.

Section 2: Objectives

My aim for this series of images was to replicate the subtle natural style and feeling of his images while at the same time experimenting to see if this could d be achieved with the minimum of lights and equipment.

Section 3: Methodology (Materials & Methods)

Using a Canon 1Dxiii camera and a selection of lenses ranging from 16mm wide angle to a 200mm zoom. Adjusting settings to experiment with high contrast black and white imagery reminiscent of 1970s fashion photography

Section 4: Results 

It is interesting to see how the grading of these images in Lightroom could effect the feeling of the image and how by making the solid blacks slightly softer and the highlights very white I was able to replicate the feeling of old film and printing techniques.

Section 5: Critique

Finding the balance when grading these images taught me the importance of balance in the printing. 

Section 6: Learning Outcomes

The images below demonstrate the final results.

© 2022 by Phoebe Pascoe. 

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