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As the next step in the development of this idea I wanted to look at creating images of smaller groups and individuals in a scenario that suggests a group of friends interacting but with one or more participants feeling excluded. This series of images show the very common situation of a group of girls (there will be a separate shoot for a group of boys) sitting on a sofa talking and interacting on their phones. In the midst of this group there will be one character who is either clearly sad and excluded or is holding the same fake smile in front her face as I included in the previous shoots.


I decided to shoot this with the intention of being reproduced in black and white as I felt with the closer more intimate setting for the shoot each portrait would be more detailed and I wanted to remove the distraction of colour and enable the viewer to focus purely on the portrait.



































In addition to the individual portraits I also created a number of group images where the 5 individuals were positioned in various set ups. The underlying concept is that one of the group looks sad and pre-occupied while the others all look happy and upbeat.


The group images were al lit using three studio lights with one being hand held above one or more of the characters simply to act as a catch light to pick up on the top of the heads in the darkness. The individual images above were all lit with a single light positions at head height to one side and a hand held reflector to the other side. The camera was mounted on a tripod at eye level to the subject.

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