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In the final stage of this project I had to look at how I can present my images and their accompanying stories and statistics in as clear and effective way that was accessible to the viewer and importantly tied the powerful stories told first hand by survivors of mental illness and specifically depression to the images I have created.


When approaching this Exam module I specifically avoided looking at the final format of the images at the early stages as it is my belief that the Form should be guided by its Function rather than the other way round. In simple terms I felt that the images were the important part and the idea behind this body of work should be allowed to guide and shape its final format rather than deciding upon a format then forcing the images to somehow fit within that box.


























Below are three double page spreads that explore the use of the combination grid I have designed. They demonstrate that while adhering to the rigid structure of a grid I can still have great flexibility in the design of the page layout and that the layout of the copy can easily switch between the use of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 columns while still giving the feeling of continuity of design.






















This spread uses a single double width block of copy positioned across the middle two columns of the grid. Please note the size and crop of the image on the right hand page also conforms to the perimeters of a 6 column grid and the position of the text on the left hand page is positioned in the centre of the page so as to balance with he image.






















The spread above uses the same 6 column grid used on the previous spread right hand page with three columns of equal length placed in a staggered formation so as to lead the reader form one column to the next. The title/introduction quote again runs across 2 double width columns with the top of th first text box and the bottom of the second text box aligning with the upper and lower edges of the image on the right hand page.























This page features a double width images that will flow across both pages. It has a single paragraph of text that uses 2 columns of the grid. I think this could work well with he long composite image of the large group as this was shot and edited to allow of the centre gutter and is not going to be overpowered by the single text block.























A spread with a heavier text content which uses 2 equal text blocks each using 2 columns of the grid. In this way the area of the text equals the area of the image on the right hand page. Please note that all these grids and variations maintain a constant area of white space a round the text and inset image which gives an air of freedom and allows the text to breathe. 























Another isometric layout using the 6 column grid which two text blocks using 2 columns each. On this occasion the intro passage is positioned at the bottom of the page below the main body of the text.


The use of such a grid allows me to have a book where each text page can be different in layout while still flowing together and the overall book works as a whole rather than being tied to the same rigid inflexible look of a more limited 1 or two column gird.




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© 2022 by Phoebe Pascoe. 

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