Despite my dislike of using photoshop as it is often just a 'safe option'. For this shoot I decided that the use of photo shop can enhance my idea of 'putting a mask on to hide emotions'. my previous shoot with the paper smile was eerie and disturbing by I thought it lacked an element of realism that this idea allowed me to convey.
I used my dad as an initial test model for this shoot and the way I was able to create this realistic mask idea was by taking two photos, one photo with my dad holding a white theatre mask and a smile on his face and then a second photo with him in the same pose except looking sad. these two images were then layered together using photoshop, I made a rough mask then copied it into a new layer of my dad happy face, this was then places on top of the image of my dad with a sad face and holding the mask at shoulder height. I then erased all of the image around the happy face so it appears that the sad face is holding the happy face. Following this photoshopping, I went back into Lightroom to experiment on how different colour gradings affected the drama and mood of the image. After doing this i decided to try 'cutting out' the eyes of the sad face to make it look more like a mask.
Whether it be colour or black and white, or a mixture of the two, i feel as though the image s entirely changed depending on the grading. For example, the pure black adn